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Friday 6th May 2022
13:45 Welcome and introduction (D. Betticher, Fribourg)
13:50 Update: Quality and reproducibility in breast cancer pathology (Z. Varga, Zürich)
14:20 Early detection – imaging update (R. Kubik, Baden)
14:50 Case presentation by attendees/discussion
15:15 Polygenig risk scores – music for the future or hot air? (S. Unger, Lausanne)
15:45 Coffee break
16:15 Mastectomy (S. Bucher, Luzern)
16:45 Update radiation therapy (G. Studer, Luzern)
17:15 Lymphedema: surgical update (M. Scaglioni, Luzern)
17:45 Quiz, Case presentation by attendees/discussion
18:30 Adjourn
Saturday 7th May 2022
08:00 Response-adapted neoadjuvant therapy (H. Bonnefoi, Bordeaux)
08:40 Adjuvant HER2-targeted therapy (K. Zaman, Lausanne)
09:20 Optimum adjuvant endocrine therapy (L. del Mastro, Genova)
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 ER positive: CDK4/6 inhibitors and beyond (O. Pagani, Bellinzona)
11:00 Triple-negative and HER2-positive breast Cancer (M. Vetter, Liestal)
11:30 Lifestyle as supportive care? (C. Witt, Zürich)
12:00 Wrap up (D. Betticher)
12:15 End